期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:In the current generation social network hasbecome a popular way to communicate with each other whichare spread across diverse location around the world. In socialnetwork any user can find other users and make friendshipand they can make friend circle online around the world andthus users can form their own network. An Individual usercan have multiple social network accounts to keep in touchwith friends in many social networking sites. Online SocialNetwork users are not aware of the various security attackslike privacy violation, identity theft etc. Any user can createfake profiles with the name of real user. Other online socialusers will think it as real users and they might be responded tothem which are not actually the real user. It makes the wholenetwork quite confusing and frustrating. In this paper, we willprovide a similarity technique which can analyze socialnetwork data based on attributes similarity. The proposedsystem can detect as many similar social network profiles aspossible and analyse them in order to find whether it belongsto same or different persons. It makes other user easy tocommunicate with each other in a safe and efficient manner.
关键词:Social Network Analysis; Social Engineering;Attack; Duplicate profiles; Global profile Database; Profile;attributes matching; Suspicious profiles