期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Fingerprint recognition techniques on minutiaebasedmatching algorithms have been well studied and widelyaccepted by many fingerprint biometric researchers.Fingerprint images taken from different sensors like swipe,thermal, optical, capacitive, etc., have different sensorcharacteristics like change in resolution, image size, aspectratio, and distortion. A fingerprint image taken from acapacitive swipe sensor and the same image from an opticalpress sensor does not match while using minutiae-basedmatching techniques due to sensor characteristics calledsensor interoperability. Many algorithms were developed forsensor interoperability problems, but still the problem is notcompletely addressed. In this paper, the interoperability ofsensor matching is addressed using a simple and effectiveridge distance averaging method. This proposed method wastested in the images of the fingerprint database FVC 2004,2002 and 2000 as well as locally scanned images using varioustypes of sensors with the same finger. The performance of theproposed method in reducing the interoperability of sensorproblem was studied through a comparative study with theestablished minutiae matching methods. The experimentalresults reveal that the proposed method improves the sensorinteroperability by matching the fingerprint images taken forthe same figure using various types of sensors whereas theminutiae based matching method failed to match those imageseffectively.