期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:We live in a world where vast amount of data arecollected in every hour of the day. Thus, this era is usually calledas data or information age. The analysis of this vast collection ofdata is of high necessity and utmost important for variousdecision making process. This necessity has led to the birth ofdata mining. Data Mining is the process of extracting potentiallyuseful knowledge from raw data. However, the application ofmachine-understandable knowledge in data mining is not veryprevalent and has been recognized as a gap in current traditionaldata mining practice. Ontology based data mining can play animportant role in solving this issue of knowledge discovery.Millions of Indian schools are facing shortage of developmentalmaterials and resources due to the fact that the Government isunaware of the school conditions. This paper aims to incorporatedomain knowledge in the data mining process which can help theschool authority to identify the urgent necessity of the variousschools and make certain policies accordingly. Here, weconsidered the School Dataset of Assam as an input for theanalysis of our methodology.