摘要:Definition: Evaluation or appraisal of a candidate's suitability for placement in a specific treatment modality/setting and the relationship to custody and supervision. Results from the assessment are placed in the offender's case plan and include risk/need assessment and secondary assessments that focus on special or specific areas related to the individual offender's requirements for successful completion of sentence and reintegration into the community. Some criteria evaluated the performance of the nursing management team itself, such as recruitment and placement mechanisms for nursing staff, the nature of in-service training, the use of procedural and policy manuals, and the nature of the relationships between the senior nursing management and the general nursing staff. It seems that the association between “quality of working life on work environment” (QWL-WE) and the degree of nurses' involvement in their carrier is the critical factor in achieving a higher level of quality of care among nurses at Cuddalore district hospitals.