期刊名称:Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
摘要:This paper consists of two main parts where the first one presents the path how theenvironmental issue was included in the primary legislation of the European Union (EU),starting this theoretical panorama from the first founding treaty – Treaty of Rome, in 1957. Itshows that with the passing of years the environmental protection has become one of the mostimportant fields of action of the European Community supported by the primary and secondarylegislation of the EU and its several bodies with competencies in this field.The second part of the paper starts with the commitments on the environmental protectionthat the Albanian state has made upon signature and entrance into force of the Stabilisationand Association Agreement with the EU. In addition, this article presents a summary of thelegislative activity in Albania regarding environmental protection in the last two decadeswith special focus on the time period after the approval of the current Constitution of 1998,which is the basis and origin of every legislative initiative. Furthermore, there are presentedthe key features of the Albanian environmental legislation, as well as the protection mechanismfrom the criminal legislation point of view. The presentation of the European and nationalreality with special focus on environmental protection serves to a comparative purpose betweenthe two models. It also serves to draw conclusions and propose suggestions on how the Albanianlegislation should be developed and improved in order to be in line with that of the EuropeanUnion and effective in practice to serve the ultimate goal of environmental protection andprevention from further environmental degradation