期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:În lucrare s-a urmărit scopul de a obţine compuşi macromoleculari cu proprietăţi utile pentru confecţionarea obiectelorde uz spitalicesc. A fost realizată sinteza unor polimeri ce conţin grupe funcţionale active şi a fost efectuată legarealor chimică (grefarea) cu preparate antimicrobiene (penicilină). Ca material de bază, au fost obţinuţi şi examinaţi copolimeridin stiren, metacrilat de butil şi acid metacrilic
其他摘要:The objectives of our research were to obtain macromolecular compounds with useful properties for manufacturingof things needs for hospital use. There was realized the synthesis of polymers containing the active functional groupsthat have chemical bonding (graft) with antibacterial preparations belonging to the Group of penicillin. Thus, as basicmaterial, has been obtained and have been examined copolymers from styrene, butylmethacrylate and methacrylic acid.
关键词:compuşi macromoleculari; grupe funcţionale; grefare; penicilină; copolimeri