摘要:The article subject is specific feathers of the contemporary science. There are two main feathers of the contemporary nonclassical science, which constitute her specific: 1) the high collective character of the scientific activity, including cognitive activity; the main aids of it is the making new knowledge and its value in the corresponding with the scientific society standards accepting and 2) the innovation intention of the contemporary science; the intention not only to creation and extensive the sphere of objective-true knowledge (it was the classical science aid), but on the scientific knowledge application; now the scientific knowledge had become considerate as the subject for the changing of the social material sphere: its economic, practice, technics, technologies, maximally wide assort scientific things (economic innovations). The contemporary science became the one of specific fabric for making the scientific knowledge and its application. The nonclassical science exchanged its main value orient from the word point of view (making the system of objective-true knowledge) on Practice (science as the instrument of growth the material sphere civilization and Man).