摘要:Lifelong learning plays an important role due to the actual needs that we have in terms of knowledge-based economy. It provides education both to working and non-working people who want to be part of this developing society. In this study, two different levels of the Spanish Adult Education are assessed but not only from an individual point of view, but also from the point of view of cooperation between them in order to improve the teaching-learning process. Both the Education Centre of Olmedo (Olmedo, Spain) and the University of Burgos (Burgos, Spain) are described deep inside and likewise, the activities that they two are developing to interconnect both the two centres and the educational levels so that the learning process is never interrupted. Activities such as seminars, web pages management, oral presentations and questionnaires showing different aspects of the educational process will be discussed in the present study. The use of the new Information Technology and Communication (ICT) should be enhanced for effective learning of our adult students. From our results, it will be demonstrated that adults can be part of the education system and therefore gain new skills and knowledge that let them succeed in their lives.