摘要:It’s not an easy work to strongly preserve all crucial data everywhere it has the need in countless applications for clients in the cloud server. To reservation of our information in cloud, it may not be fully honest because client doesn’t have duplicate of entire data in the cloud. Then some authors never tell us data honour over its user and CSP level by assessment of data earlier and later which is uploaded in cloud. Hence we have to found new projected system for this by our data analysis protocol algorithm to check the honour of data earlier the client and later data was inserted in cloud. The highly secured data tested by client earlier and later with the help of CSP with our actual programmed data analysis protocol from user as well as cloud equal into the cloud with honesty. Likewise we take planned the multiple server data assessment algorithm with the control of each updated data will be outsourced before equal for server repair access point for upcoming data recovery from the, am cloud data server. Our proposed scheme professionally checks integrity in effective way so that data integrity as well as safety can be continued in all belongings by seeing disadvantages of remaining approaches