期刊名称:Merit Research Journal of Education and Review
出版社:Merit Research Journals
摘要:This paper concentrates on the information and communication technology tools and e-learning channels to qualify pre-service and in-service teachers. It offers a good correlation between ICT, e-learning and their usability on learning. The research with 200 participants’ curriers out and establishes a model using AMOS program which can explain 91% of learning with good model fit. This model can infer the effect of ICT, E-Learning on learning in Yemen. The subjects make use of different elements with multiple techniques such as multimedia, Internet and Intranet in full time and multi-tasks such searching, browsing, downloading (audio, video and appropriate software), copying, listening and watching associate text, audio and video respectively. It encourages teachers to use chat room for more discussion in the category of online co-operative learning and finally report their information in different styles on www. Keywords: ICT, E-learning, Usability, Information, Technology, Teachers