摘要:Technology education in the Finnish comprehensive school is an integrated subject, “Technology and the Individual” being one of the cross-curricula themes. It is accepted that students’ conceptions are related to their teachers’ conceptions. From the viewpoint of primary technology education and the development of primary teacher education, it is important to know teacher students’ perceptions of technology and technology education. This study focuses on how primary teacher students think about technology. Results showed that teacher students understand technology from quite a limited perspective, thinking that technology in their everyday life is mostly based on domestic appliances, computers and mobiles. Although the teacher students’ perceptions of technology were limited, their overall experiences towards it were positive. After the cross-curricula course, they viewed technology more broadly, understanding e.g. the history of technology, technological responsibility and its impact at the individual, social and global level. Emphasis was placed on the teacher students’ abilities to apply technology and use it with their pupils in their future teaching profession. Despite limitations, the study provides insight into teacher students’ perceptions of technology and it also contributes for further understanding in the area of cross-curricula themes.