摘要:The subject / topic. The presented research topic is particularly relevant now, as the established world order has entered the era of turbulence, which has a negative impact on the economic security of Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The current situation in Ukraine, taking its origin, in fact, not from one set signature (sharp decision taken Yanukovych transfer signing of the SA-EU summit at the Vilnius) pulled over a series of events that revealed the long accumulated contradictions between the West and Russia, and also contradictions in Ukraine itself. These contradictions have aff ected virtually all major areas of interaction: political, economic, military and social. At the present stage of globalisation contradictions primarily aff ect the stability of national development, involving the fl ow of new social, economic, political, scientifi c and civil sphere and strength. Methodology. Methodological basis of this article are the comparative and economic-statistical methods of analysis.