期刊名称:History Studies : International Journal of History
出版社:History Studies : International Journal of History
摘要:19- 20 Temmuz 2010 tarihleri arasýnda Europen Institute of the Mediterranean (IEmed) tarafýndan Barcelona Otonom Üniversitesinde 72 ülkeden 2000 civarýndabilim adamýnýn katýlýmýyla Ortadoðu Çalýþmalarý Kongresi (World Congress for Middle East Studies- WOCMES) düzelmendi. Bu yazý sözkonusu kongrenin sonuçlarý hakkýndadýr.
其他摘要:World Congress for Middle East Studies (WOCMES), in which about 2000 scientists from 72 countries participated, was organized by European Institute of the Mediterranean at the Autonomous University of Barcelona on 19-20 July 2010. This article covers the results of the congress.
关键词:Ortadoðu - wocmes - Barcelona - Akdeniz
其他关键词:Middle East - wocmes - Barcelona - Mediterranean