摘要:The current paper presents the results of a project on distance learning teaching methods of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria (SULSIT). The scope of the analyzed project refers to the innovative educational environment, developed through- out the System for Knowledge Management and proven with its efficiency. One of the basic goals is introduction of the Cloud Computing structure that serves as an information and educational environment not only to students, but also for administrative purposes (throughout information dessimination on admission campaigns, curricula, syllabuses, exam dates, exam results, course fees, cloud information board for events, seminars, lectures and conferences), as well as an educational ambience with the potential to help students develop their subject matter and specialty competence. As an outcome of the research and on the basis of the project results, several new programs have been implemented into the MA degree programs Library and Information Studies, Printing Communications and Cultural Heritage Sciences at the Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage (FLSCH) of SULSIT.
关键词:SULSIT;Educational Reforms;New Distance Learning Technologies;Alternative University Models;Cloud Computing in Education