摘要:The present study represented an interpretation resulting from a survey on the property representations of religious festival held in Almonte (Huelva, Spain), during the transfer of the image of the Virgin of Rocio seat of the municipality, between August 2012 and May 2013. The investigation collected opinions of teachers and students from two secondary schools in the city, in order to characterize the educational meanings of such an extraordinary event and organizer of cultural expressions. Reading the geographical links between heritage and forms of dissemination (media and tourism), led us to develop the concept of “geo-education”. Structured from the phenomenological and cultural perspectives that underpin geographic readings in culture studies, the geo- education emerges as a non-formal teaching of the meaning of the festive reordered places rituality (or religious representations). Sense that answers to the recognition of the vectorial forces (communicative, tourist and scenography) are intermediated by the contemporary patrimonial question. The result of the work lies in the composition of basic theoretical syntheses of treatment and use of modern religious devotion as geo-education’s heritage.