期刊名称:International Journal of Intelligence Science
出版社:Scientific Research Publishing
摘要:This research presents a novel way of labelling human activities from the skeleton output computed from RGB-D data from vision-based motion capture systems. The activities are labelled by means of a Compound Hidden Markov Model. The linkage of several Linear Hidden Markov Models to common states, makes a Compound Hidden Markov Model. Each separate Linear Hidden Markov Model has motion information of a human activity. The sequence of most likely states, from a sequence of observations, indicates which activities are performed by a person in an interval of time. The purpose of this research is to provide a service robot with the capability of human activity awareness, which can be used for action planning with implicit and indirect Human-Robot Interaction. The proposed Compound Hidden Markov Model, made of Linear Hidden Markov Models per activity, labels activities from unknown subjects with an average accuracy of 59.37%, which is higher than the average labelling accuracy for activities of unknown subjects of an Ergodic Hidden Markov Model (6.25%), and a Compound Hidden Markov Model with activities modelled by a single state (18.75%).