期刊名称:Pravni vjesnik - Quarterly Journal of Law and Social Sciences
出版社:Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
摘要:The paper gives an analysis of the organization environment as well as interrelationship between environment and administrative organization. Environment is composed of an area, actors as well as interrelationships and links. The existing literature provides several definition of the environment, depending on the level of the analysis and theoretical approach. This paper is based on the general system theory and related theories. The paper deals with different levels of analyses of the environment and its characteristics, as well as conditionality between complexity of organisation and complexity of the environment. The environment of administrative organisation is analysed through three main areas and these are the administrative system, the political system and the society. In contemporary times all areas of environment of administrative organisation are characterized by great heterogeneity that for the purposes of alingment requires a high degree of interaction and transparency. Successful adaptation to the environment for the administrative organisation of the 21st century means first of all the cooperation among a number of actors creating different networks which blur the boundaries of the administrative organisation, but also enhance its capacity to address the increasingly complex social problems.