摘要:An experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of ferti-irrigation with distillery effluents on groundwater quality around village Gajraula, UP, India. Groundwater sampling was carried out around ferti-irrigated field from an open-well (15m depth), tube-well (22m depth) and bore-well (22m depth) on monthly intervals consecutively for two years. A tube-well, depth 22m located 5Km away from the experimental site was selected for control. Samples were analyzed for relevant water quality parameters viz. pH, EC, Cl., SO 42- , NO 3 ., TDS, Na + , K + , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ and were recorded significantly (p.0.05) higher than control following the trend: open-well>tube-well> bore-well> control. Ground water quality index (GWQI) was also calculated to categories the water samples on the basis of pollutant load and the results revealed that only open-well samples were severely polluted (GWQI 79.19). Statistical analysis showed that the common ionic pairs showing significant correlation (p≤0.05) between open- well and tube-well were Na + /Cl - ; Na + /NO 3- ; Mg 2+ /Cl - , while that between tube-well and bore-well were Na + /Cl - ; Na + /NO 3- ; K + /TDS; Mg 2+ /Cl - , suggesting that these ions are added in groundwater from a common source.
关键词:Effluent; Ferti-irrigation; Groundwater; Wastewater; Water Quality Index.