Archaeobotanical research in the Czech Republic has generated enormous quantities of unique, but non-uniform, data that are currently stored in disparate hard copy and electronic formats. A consortium of archaeological organisations has initiated the Archaeobotanical Database of the Czech Republic (CZAD) to facilitate data storage, access and quality. CZAD is being developed under the auspices of the ArboDat Project, by the Institute of Archaeology, Prague, and Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Hessen, Ger. CZAD is based on the international ArboDat Multi version of the ArboDat database originally developed in Germany. Adaptations have been made to suit local requirements. As at the end of 2010 more than half of the existing data in the Czech Republic has been entered into CZAD. Data entry is on a strictly voluntary basis and author’s data and copyright are protected.