Urartian bronze armours and harnesses in the Reza Abbasi Museum, which had been previously analysed by PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission), have been studied once again in order to obtain additional information concerning metallurgy of the time. For a better understanding of Urartian metalworking, all of these ten items have been studied with a metallographic microscope. The study determined that Urartian metalworkers were experimentally familiar with certain physical properties of the elements. These known properties include the flexibility and approximate melting points of the metals. The forms of the twinnings and slip bands reveal that all of the alloys underwent annealing and forging treatments. After heating to at least 650˚C, hot-forging and cold-forging was carried out, depending on the form, usage and importance of the artefacts. After these steps, final annealing was carried out on the alloys.