摘要:This study intended to establish two issues; first, if there was any significantrelationship between the students’ evaluation rating on the implementationand integration of entrepreneurship in secondary school curriculum andperceptions on the skills they got from entrepreneurship courses and on theirability to apply entrepreneurship skill. Second, whether there was asignificant difference between the evaluation rating on the implementationand integration of entrepreneurship in secondary school curriculum andperceptions on the skills they acquired from entrepreneurship courses and ontheir ability to apply entrepreneurship skills of the students groupedaccording to gender and age. The study used a descriptive, comparativedesign. Stratified and Simple random sampling techniques were used tofacilitate the selection of the 332 respondents. To test reliability, a pilotstudy was conducted in one secondary school of Kicukiro District, whichwas not involved in the final study. A reliability analysis was done to testwhether each item stated in the questionnaire reflected the desired andconsistent outcome. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of .834 was obtained andthis confirmed the internal consistency of items. The cut-off point forCronbach’s alpha was set at 0.60. The findings reveal that a big number ofstudents tended to agree that they got skills from the entrepreneurshipcourse. This reflects a certain lack of full confidence in entrepreneurshipskills, which calls for more effort in acquainting students with needed skillsto build students’ awareness of their entrepreneurship ability. Further, theresults show that students of sixth form in Nyarugenge District secondaryschools agree that they are able to apply entrepreneurship skills from whatthey learn in the entrepreneurship course.