期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Wishing to provide responses to a number of concrete and currentissues, the present paper approaches the changes and trends of theBucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) that may contribute to a betterunderstanding of the phenomenon that is the subject of this study. The aim isthe research of the stock exchanges values, a phenomenon contrary tospecialized financial theory and to existing trends in BSE and made particularin the case of Rompetrol Well Services PLC with reference to the actualsituation in the financial markets. The introduction of the paper containselements about the objective, research methodology, the novelty brought to thecurrent study, literature also being reviewed. The first paragraph provides adescription which started from the capital market, has sailed into the stockmarket, reaching that stage that was emphasized most, namely BSE. The casestudy on the analysis of financial instruments at the company Rompetrol WellServices PLC, listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, focuses on the study offundamental, stock and technical analysis in order to shape a picture of thesituation of the company concerned. The last paragraph of the paper settlesthe main changes and novelty brought by the end of 2014 and 2015 at theBucharest Stock Exchange. On completion of the work, some conclusions wereoutlined, based on the ideas presented in paragraphs.
关键词:Bucharest Stock Exchange; fundamental analysis; stock;performance analysis; technical analysis; Rompetrol Well Services PLC;changes; novelty