摘要:Garcia and O’Donnell-Allen begin Pose, Wobble,Flow: A Culturally Proactive Approach to LiteracyInstruction by outlining the purposes of the book,as well as by defining what they mean by the termspose, wobble, and flow. Their work together grewout of common issues they were experiencing intheir respective teacher education programs:namely, preservice teachers’ resistance to thetheoretical and political aspects of teaching. Toexplain the concepts of pose, wobble, and flow andthe ways that these “stances” work together andinform one another, Garcia and O’Donnell-Allen(2015) draw from yoga, explaining that “teacherswho are committed to professional growth alsotake up stances (or poses) toward their practice,and reflect on areas in which they wobble with theintent of attaining flow” (p. 3). Overall, the authorsemphasize that the process of pose, wobble, andflow is both non-linear and collaborative.