摘要:The Magoura Cave contains an impressive display of prehistoric art. The different ecological niches in cave caverns and galleries may be exploited by a large variety of microorganisms and their growth can lead to both aesthetic and structural damages of the paintings mentioned. For this reason the microbial diversity in the cave and the role of microbial communities in rock paintings destruction is of great interest. The main objective of this research is connected with investigation of the microbial diversity of the rock paintings in the cave. The investigations are focused on characterization of the microbial communities and determination of the dominant microbial groups. Eleven different physiological groups of microorganisms have been tested by using of the elective nutrient media and specific conditions of cultivation. The quantitative analysis of the each group was done by the classical methods. The microbial studies reveals that on the rock paintings present continuously stable microbial population with stable qualitative and quantitative composition. In some samples are found high levels of sulphate-reducing bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, ammonifying bacteria and silicate bacteria. These taxonomic groups are involve in the biodeterioration processes.These results must be taken in mind during the conservation activities connected with paintings in the cave