期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:In this article the theoretical issues of high frequency electromagnetic fi eld propagation in complex living organismmedium are studied in order to obtain a proper evaluation and scientifi c approach for non-thermal biological effectsmanifested at millimeter wave „in vivo” irradiation (30–300 GHz). Our main hypothesis starts from the following fact:living biological tissues are heterogeneous dielectrically structures and can be assimilated with a Fabry – Pérot resonator.Consequently, are studied the incident, respectively, refl ected and transmitted electromagnetic fi eld intensity of internaland refl ected wave. Taking into account the Maxwell equations, we obtain the relationships between electromagnetic fi eldenergy densities. After applying a specifi c theoretical algorithm in which we consider that every of biological tissue layeris characterized by its own refraction and absorption coeffi cient, respectively by its own phase, we obtain the expressionwhich characterizes the transmitted energy density after electromagnetic fi eld propagation through n layers. By thismathematical expression we can quantify the electromagnetic energy after propagation through a biological medium.