摘要:The purpose of the present study was to assess the mental skills between inter-university achievers and non-achievers. Total one hundred and six (N=106) female subjects, which includes, fifty three (n=53) achievers who got medals in the inter-university football tournament held at Panjab university during the session 2014-15 and fifty three (n=53) non-achievers who had just participated but failed to get medals in this respective tournament were selected subjects for the present study. The purposive and random sampling techniques were used for the selection of subjects. The age of the subjects was ranged between 19 to 28 years. Mental skills were determined by administrating mental skill questionnaire developed by Hardy and Nelson (1996). The Mean, S.D., M.D., SEDM and ‘t’-values were calculated to find out the significance of differences between inter-university achievers and non-achievers. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results revealed significant differences with regard to the sub-variables i.e. mental preparation, self-confidence, concentration ability and mental skill (total) between inter-university achievers and non-achievers. However, insignificant differences were observed with regard to the sub-variables i.e. imagery ability, anxiety and worry management, relaxation ability. Keywords: Mental skills, inter-university, achievers, non-achievers.