摘要:Social networks are progressively being considered as an intense thought for learning. Particularly in the research area of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, they can create intuitive, versatile and customized e-learning systems which can advance the learning process by revealing the capacities and shortcomings of every learner and by customizing the correspondence by group profiling. In this paper, the primary idea is the affect recognition as an estimation of the group profiling process, given that the fact of knowing how individuals feel about specific points can be viewed as imperative for the improvement of the tutoring process. As a testbed for our research, we have built up a prototype system for recognizing the emotions of Facebook users. Users' emotions can be neutral, positive or negative. A feeling is frequently presented in unpretentious or complex ways in a status. On top of that, data assembled from Facebook regularly contain a considerable measure of noise. Indeed, the task of automatic affect recognition in online texts turns out to be more troublesome. Thus, a probabilistic approach of Rocchio classifier is utilized so that the learning process is assisted. Conclusively, the conducted experiments confirmed the usefulness of the described approach.
关键词:affect recognition; facebook; intelligent tutoring systems; rocchio classifier; user classification