期刊名称:Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
出版社:BioMed Central
摘要:Enzymatic elimination of synthetic dyes, one of the most environmentally hazardous chemicals, has gained a great interest during the two last decades. The present study was performed to evaluate the decolorization and detoxification potential of the purified laccase of Paraconiothyrium variabile in both non-assisted and hydroxybenzotriazole-aided form against six azo dyes. The obtained results showed that Acid Orange 67, Disperse Yellow 79, Basic Yellow 28, Basic Red 18, Direct Yellow 107, and Direct Black 166 were decolorized up to 65.3, 53.3, 46.7, 40.7, 34, and 26.2 %, respectively, after 1 h treatment with laccase (0.5 U/mL). Addition of HBT up to 5 mM enhanced decolorization percent of all the investigated dyes. The results of kinetic study introduced the monoazo dye of Acid Orange 67 as the most suitable substrate for laccase with K m of 0.49 mM and V max of 189 mmol/min/mg. Evaluation the toxic effect of laccase-treated dye sample based on the growth inhibition of standard bacterial strains revealed decrease in toxicity of all applied dyes after treatment by laccase. Application of the P. variabile laccase as biocatalyst efficiently decreased the toxicity of all studied synthetic azo dyes.