We reviewed 40 cases of femoral shaft fractures in children treated with Russel traction. The treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children is various according to age. Satisfactory result have been reported with russel traction. At an average follow-up of 30 months, We obtained following results. 1. The average time of traction was 18 days, and hip spica cast was applied for 28 days. 2. Malunion exceeding 25degree in flexion & valgus & varus was not developed. 3. Remodeling of angulation deformities occurred slowly over the duration of the follow-up period in our patients. At the last evaluation no patient was aware that he had any residual angulation but many did have X-ray evidence of an abnormal contour of the femur, that is average rate of spontaneous correction is 83% in anterior angulation, 87% in varus deformities, 88% in valgus deformities. 4. Fracture occurred most commonly in the middle third of the femoral shaft, but overgrowth was the greatest in proximal one third fracture. The average overgrowth was 1.2 cm in length and, growth acceleration was the greatest in oblique fracture and, among the children 4 to 9 years of age, significant overgrth(average 1.2 cm) was seen. 5. Skeletal Russel traction is easy, safe and convenient to treat all femoral shaft fractures of the children between four and ten years old.