Acetabular fractures are relatively uncommon, but they assume great clinical importance because acetabulum is weight bearing Joint in the lower extremity. If fractures are not accurately evaluated, classified and reduced anatomically, major sequelae and complications highly develop.
A clinical analysls was performed on the 53 patients with acetabular fractures from Feb. 1986 to March 1990. The patients were primarily young adults with multiple injuries secondary to motor-vehicle associated trauma. The prevalent age ranged from 16 to 74 years, and the ratio between male and female was 3:1. According to Letournels classification, slmple fractuie was 28 cases, associated fracture was 25 cases and hip dislocation was associated in 24 cases and most common type was posterior one. Thirty five fractures were treated closed, and 18 were treated operatively. Not only choice of treatment but also determination of surgical approach require accurate assessment of the fracture pattern in this legion of complex 1. : bony architecture by careful radiologic analysis.