High peak inspiratory pressure during control-mode ventilation (CMV) with volume cycled ventilator is associated with increased risk of barotrauma. Pressure controlled ventilation can reduce peak inspiratory pressure and barotrauma, and provide for adequate gas exchange. We present a case of the patient of status asthmaticus in whom we used pressure controll ventilation of lower inspiratory pressure (initially 45 cmH2O) with good outcome during midazolam infusion. At the admission to the ICU, the peak inspiratory pressure was 80 cmH2O with control- mode ventilation of volume cycled ventilator and respiratory acidosis developed (pH: 7.20, PaCO2: 64.1 mmHg). After changing the volume control mode to pressure controlled mode, the peak inspiratory pressure could be reduced from 80 cmH2O to 45 cmH2O with improvement of respiratory acidosis. From our experience, we recommend the application of pressure control ventilation safely to the patients in whom peak inspiratory pressure is high enough to induce barotrauma, if expired tidal volume is monitored.