We have experienced acute hepatitis after general anesthesia. We guess that acute hepatitis is caused by enflurane anesthesia. We will report this case with references. A 34 year old pregnant woman suffered from preeclamsia. She admitted for emergence repeat cesarean-section due to labor pain. In this operation general anesthesia was performanced with enflurane. The preoperative liver enzyme were normal and other tests were within normal range. She developed high fever, marked elevation of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(SGOT)/serum glutamic pyrubic transaminase(SGPT)/ alkaline phosphatase(ALP)/total bilirunbin(T-B) on the 2nd postoperative day. She recovered gradually and discharged after 13 day's hospitalization. A possible cause of the acute hepatitis in this case were considered to be the enflurane.