Recently, much attention has been paid to the gut mucosal oxygenation in shock resuscitation, because many studies has been reported that the ultimate etiologies of death due to shock are mainly due to multiple organ failure caused by translocation of endotoxins and microorganisms from the ischemic gut mucosa. As there has been persistent controvesies over the relative merits of various kinds of resuscitation fluids in regard to the tissue oxygenation during management of shock, we studied the effects of various kinds of resuscitation fluids on the gut mucosal oxygenation with cats which were in hemorrhagic shcok 24 anesthetized cats were subjected to ge to decrease the mean arterial blood pressure to 40~45 mmHg and this pressure was maintained for 120 minutes (oligemic period). After this period, normal saline, hydroxyethyl starch and hypertonic saline/dextran mixture were administered respectively to raise systolic blood pressure up to 85 mmHg over 30 minutes and this level was maintained for another 120 minutes (post-oligemic period). Mesenteric venous oxygen tension, mesenteric venous-arterial lactate difference, carbon dioxide tension difference and arterial-venous pH difference were measured far evaluating the effects of three groups of resucitation fluids in regard to the gut mucosal oxygenation. There were no statistical significances among three groups by measuring the venous oxygen tension, venous-arterial carbon dioxide difference, arterial-venous pH difference. But venousarterial lactate difference in normal saline resuscitation group was significantly elevated from 5.0 ±l.l mg/dl immediately after fluid resuscitation to 8.4±1.8 mg/dl 1 hour after fluid resuscitation (p<0.05). The difference in normal saline group was significantly high compared to the hydroxyethyl starch group which was 4.4±0.5 mg/dl and also compared to the hypertonic saline/dextran mixture group which was 4.1±0.9 mg/dl (p<0.05). Hydroxyethly starch and hypertonic saline/dextran mixture are more effective than normal saline in regard to the gut mucosal oxygenation in shock resuscitation, based on changes in venous-arterial lactate difference in each group. Further clinical studies may be needad.