To evaluate the depth of enflurane anesthesia, spectrum analysis of rat EEG was used. Bipolar EEG was recorded through one lead form rat scalp during inhalation with 1,2,3 and 4% of enflurane, and analysed to produce the spectrum from which the density of each band(delta 1-3.25Hz, theta 3.5-7.75Hz, alpha 8-12.75Hz, beta2 18-20.75Hz, and beta3 21-31.75Hz)and total density, and medican power frequency were calculated. Differences among the EEG patterns, which were represented by F values through discriminant analysis of those 8 variables, in each level of anesthesia were significant among all concentrations except between 1% and 2% enflurane administration. The results suggest that the discriminat anlysis for the EEG parameters derived from power spectrum analysis can apply to determine the level of enflurane anesthesia.