The effects of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine antagonist were evaluated in a clinical study in which midazolam (0.1 mg/kg) was used as a sedative agent during the spinal anesthesia. Sixty patient were divided into two groups as group F (n=30) and group S (n=30). Flumazenil 0.3 mg (3 mL) in group F and saline 3 mL in group S were administered at the end of surgery. Blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation (SaO2) were checked just before and at, 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after the administration of flumazenil or saline. Also we evaluated the level of conciousness and orientation in time and space. The results were as follows; 1) Changes in blood pressure, pulse rate and respiratory rate were not different between two groups, exeept SaO2 was which increased significantly in the flumazenil group. 2) The flumazenil group revealed improved level of consciousness and orientation in time and space which began 5 minutes after flumazenil and was maintained 30 minutes thereafter. 3) We could not observe the any side effects of flumazenil.