The use of a pneumatic torniquet to obtain a blood less field in the extremities is essential in the precise operations of present-day plastic and orthopedic surgery. There have been studies conducted regarding systemic and metabolic change in response to torniquet ischemia and complication, associated with torniquets have been reported such as injuries to nerves, muscles and blood vessel. The purpose of this investigation was to examine changes in the systemic circulation, blood gases serum potassium and base status on release of torniquet ischemia in adult. The results were as follows: 1) The mean blood pressure and heart rate did not change significantly after torniquet release. 2) The pH decreased significantly after the torniquet release. 3) The PaO2, and PaCO2, did not charge significantly after torniquet release. 4) The HCO3, and BE decreased significantly after torniquet release (P<0.05). 5) The serum potassium levels tended to increase after torniquet release but the changes was not significant. There-fore to minimize the predictable complications, the ventilatory control and rapid volume replacement are needed during the time immediately preceeding and following torniquet release.