Catheterization of the innominate vein or superior vena cava vein via the external and internal jugular veins was attempted in 68 pediatric patients weighing less than 20 kg in body weight who were scheduled for cardiovascular and pulmonary surgery. Both jugular veins were utilized in 63 cases, of these, and post operative X-ray confirmed a 19% malposition rate. Catheterization was performed in 45 cases throuhg the left external jugular veins and in 18 cases through the right external jugular vein,and the malposition rates were 25% and 6% respectively. The right internal jugular vein, utilized in 5 cases and, all provided successful results. Difficulty was encountered in passing of the catheter in 32% of the cases using both external jugular veins. Catheter curling was noted in 1 cases. No complications were encountered during and after catheterization.