期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cardiac diseases are frequent reason for death which kills millions of people worldwide each year. However, they can be effectively prevented by early diagnosis . ECG signal is the most important and powerful reference tool used for the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. ECG represents the electrical activity of the heart and contains vital information about its rhythmic characteristics. T he accurate ECG interpretation is necessary in order to evaluate the valuable information inside the ECG si gnal. The conventional techniques of visual analysis to inspect the ECG signalsby doctors or physicians are not effective and time consuming. The software developed for image ca pturing from ECG machine performs analysis on the captured ECG graph in display before sending through the internet network. Test images show that this software able to extract information from ECG accurately. T he analysis of normality or abnormality of the signal so as to start the early treatment for the problems and many lives could be save d. Converting ECG records into computer based digitised signal reduces the physical storage space and the retrieval of the requisite information can be made quicker and accurate