期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper proposesa methodfor an implementationof beam formingfor MIMO-OFDM in LTEtechnique,Beam forming can be used at both the transmitting and receiving ends in order to achieve spatial selectivity.More over the beamForming is implemented at the transmitter.Theimprovement compared with Omni directional reception/transmission is known as the directivity of the element. Beam forming can be used for radio or sound waves.Beamformationfor particular angleis done using covariance matrix and Eigenvalues. It has found numerous applications in radar, sonar, seismology, wireless communications, radio astronomy, acoustics, and biomedicine. Adaptive beam forming is used to detect and estimate the signal-of-interest at the output of a sensor array by means of optimal (e.g., least-squares) spatial filtering and interference rejection. MIMO(Multiple-Output, Multiple-Input) Systems achieves different gains using beam forming, Spatial diversity & spatial multiplexing techniques, spatial diversity & spatial multiplexing techniques, the multi-carrier modulation via Orthogonal frequency facilitating(OFDM) transceiver Structure for broadband communication. In this paper comparison of modulation techniquesis done. And comparison of BER vs. SNR of 802.11n Wi-Fi and LTE system is done
关键词:Acoustics; Biomedicine; Beam Forming; LTE; MIMO-OFDM; Transceiver; WirelessCommunications; Radio Astronomy