摘要:Networked microgrids (NMGs) are capable of dealing with different load growth scenarios and fluctuations in the electricity market prices in a more efficient way than single microgrids (MGs). A mixed integer linear programming (MILP)-based model for optimal energy management in thermally NMGs with piecewise linearized model for combined heat and power (CHP) generators is proposed in this paper. In order to fulfill the electric load demand, each MG is considered as a distinct entity with the objective to minimize the operation cost. Being in grid-connected mode, this objective can be achieved either by operating the local generations or through trading with the main grid. The thermal load demand can be satisfied by either using the local resources or through trading with other MGs of the NMG with specified lines capacities. The objective is to maximize the usage of more economical units of individual MGs while minimizing the thermal energy waste of the entire network. Case studies with CPLEX in C++ environment have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed strategy for TNMGs in grid-connected mode.
关键词:Combined heat and power plants; energy management system; energy ; optimization; microgrids; networked-microgrids; piecewise linearization