摘要:Teaching profession occupies important and prestigious place in society. Teachers are considered as the creators of Leaders, Scientists, Philosophers, Advocates, Politicians and Administrators. Teacher is the principal means for implementing all educational programmes. The report of Kothari Commission (1964-66) asserts that the future of India is being shaped in the classrooms. It stresses the role of education and its contribution towards the development of the country. In the process of education the role of the teachers is of utmost importance. It is the teacher who really plays an important role in shaping the behaviour and personality of the students. The teacher is like a torch bearer who helps the students in moving from darkness to light. Every aspect of his/her personality influences the personality of his students. The main reason of researching into teachers stress that prolonged occupational stress in teaching has been found resulting in both mental and physical ill health, ultimately having deleterious effect on teacher's professional efficiency. Highly stress results in the lowering of intellectual ability and function, irrespective of ones age, educational background and reporting of more physical stress symptoms, taking longer sick-leave and even planning to leave job as compared to low stress teachers. Facets of teacher's performance such as creativity, classroom management and implementation of educational techniques may suffer where teachers experience high level of stress. After feeling the gravity of the situation, the investigator has chosen this less explored field. Further, the investigators found it more significant to compare the occupational stress of teachers of primary and secondary schools.