摘要:Aerobic fitness depends on how effectively the lungs, the heart and the blood vessels can provide the necessary O 2 to the working muscles and how efficiently these muscles can use the O 2 . In recent times a new test has been introduced to measure aerobic fitness. This test is known as Progressive Aerobic Cardio Vascular Efficiently Run test or PACER test the Cooper Clinic (1992). The purpose of the study was to analyze the aerobic fitness of University female students by Progressive Aerobic Cardio-Vascular Efficiency Run Test. For the present study a total of 37 university female students volunteered as subjects for the present study. Out of them 12 were from the Department of Physical Education Jadavpur University and the rest 25 were from the department of Physical Education of Kandra College, Burdwan University. To conduct the present study the following criterion measures were taken-Age, Height and Weight as personal data and recorded audio tape of PACER test. The mean distance covered and time running in PACER test by the College and University female students WERE 646.66 ± 210 m and 4.29 ± 1.15 min respectively.