Spices are the building blocks of flavor in food. Their primary functions are to provide aroma, texture and color to food. In addition they also act as preservative, and provide nutritional, and health benefits. Garlic is known for their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Antioxidants are the compounds that inhibit or delay the oxidation reactions in foods. There is more emphasis on natural antioxidant sources these days as compared to the synthetic ones because of their health benefits. In sausages preparation at different levels they not only decrease lipid oxidation but also inhibit the microbial activity. It has been revealed that the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of garlic is a concentration dependent phenomenon as their concentration increases in the sausages the spoilage that took place due to microbial activity or due to the lipid oxidation tends to decrease. Their addition also effect on the taste, flavour, texture, water activity, pH and colour of the sausages.