期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:This study was an attempt to find out whether instruction of two strategiesof oral retelling and summary writing has any effect on reading comprehension abilityof Iranian EFL learners. The study was conducted on upper intermediate femalestudents in an English language institute in Iran. To accomplish the purpose of thestudy, the researcher chose a sample of 120 subjects, which were reduced to 90homogenous students. Then, the subjects were randomly assigned to two experimentaland one control groups. Subjects in these groups were given a pretest at the beginningof the semester. In the following sessions, the students in the oral retelling group weretrained in using this strategy along with seven texts, while the students in the otherexperimental group practiced summary writing strategy with the same texts. At thesame time, the students in the control group were taught the same texts using aconventional method. The results of one way ANOVA indicated a significant differencebetween all these groups. On the other hand, the resultant values of post hoc multiplecomparison of means proved that oral retelling strategy has been more effectivecompared with summary writing and conventional method of teaching the readingcomprehension.