期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:ESP teaching at all levels has been the rise of one of the effects of the growingimportance of global English in professional contexts. Academically speaking, needs analysis,one of the most important factors in ESP teaching, plays an important role in curriculum designwhich determines the goal and content of the course being designed. In other words, it is theprocess of establishing the “what” and “how” of a course. Accordingly, the current study hasexplored English as a foreign language (EFL) undergraduate students’ needs in English forGeneral Purposes (EGP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP/EAP) courses in terms of theirperceptions of three subcategories of needs, necessities, wants, and lacks, and reasons forstudents’ course enrollment. To this end, a questionnaire was administered to 70 non-Englishmajor undergraduate students, who had already passed EGP and ESP classes, to evaluate thedifferent perceptions of necessities, wants, and lacks in the different language skills taught inEGP and ESP courses. The results revealed that students had different perceptions ofnecessities, wants, and lacks in the different language skills taught in EGP and ESP/EAPcourses. In addition, there was a noticeable discrepancies between the students’ perceptions ofneeds and the actual courses they took.