期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
出版社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
摘要:In a wireless mobile ad hoc network (MANET), Similar to other systems, there is a risk of externalagent infiltration.These networks are basically no-infrastructure, meaning no routing such as router orswitch is used. So, they are highly posed to the risk of damage or exhausting all their commonbehavior energy. Hence, there is a growing interest towards the methods which can warn the networkagainst the black hole attacks and external agent infiltration. black hole attacks which are among themost dangerous network attacks one of such security issue in MANET1 ,These attacks are inducedthrough each nodes existing in the network, where the node sends confirmation RREP2 to RREQ3 , nomatter what its routing table is or whether a route exists towards the node. By doing this, the blackhole node can deprive the traffic from the source node. so as to get all data packets and drops it. In thispaper, we survey the existing solutions; classify type of attacks and black hole attacks
关键词:MANETs (Mobile ad hoc networks); Black hole attack; RREP;EERQ