摘要:Background and Study Aim: Ability to diagnose fitness-related preparation is essential for sport coaches. The goal of this work is to analyse the results of special motor fitness testing among the group of participants of ju-jitsu coaching course and determination of individual fitness profiles. Material and Methods: 14 coaches qualified by Polish Ju-jitsu Association participated in the coaching course at which the investigations were carried out. Age and experience in ju-jitsu among the investigated coaching staff were 35.6 8.6 and 16 8.0 years old, respectively. They showed high-level fighting skills: 4-6 Dan (n=5), 1-3 Dan (n=5), 1 Kyu (n=4). The investigated persons performed eight fitness trials according to the instructions concerning the battery of tests employed in karate (SPFT) and judo (SJFT). Descriptive statistical methods were used for elaboration of the results. Results: Using cluster analysis, three groups of tests were found to characterize special physical fitness among ju-jitsu coaches. Cluster 2 integrated the results of tests employed both in karate and judo. Individual characteristics were described. Moreover, the results of the present work prove that practicing martial arts by middle-aged persons maintains certain motor, fitness and coordination abilities and skills, useful for self-defence and satisfying human need for security. Conclusions: Trained coaches represent different level of motor abilities essential in ju-jitsu. Integration of special motor abilities takes place in three clusters, forming motor competence of coaching staff. Special fitness tests are suitable for control of ju-jitsu sport training since they do not require advanced equipment and are easy to be performed