摘要:Although Caesarean section as a way to savior both mother and child has been accepted to an emergency, but due to the increase in our country, cesarean deleterious consequences such as infectious diseases, anesthesia complications et cetera in recent years, could be a threat to the health of the mother, the child and the family be considered. The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with cesarean delivery choice among pregnant women living in the city of Jiroft is selected. Across-sectional study on 145pregnant women attending public and private medical centers in Jiroft is done. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire designed by the researchers to confirm the validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient that 84%was observed. Data was analyzed by test Logistic regression (p-value=0.05).The mean age ofstudyparticipantswas34 ± 4years, 75%ofthe women in the study,cesarean delivery were chosen as the best method. Most participants in thestudywerebetween5 and 7monthspregnant (35.25) and experienced a first pregnancy (44.1%). The results of logistic regression showed that the location of prenatal care, abortion, economic status, place of birth, family history of cesarean delivery, previous cesarean were significantly related o cesarean choice.Conclusion: Because of the high percentage(75%) of participants in this study had a cesarean section as the mode selected, Seems to Authorities are required to note that public education in the community and raise awareness among pregnant women and their partners to the delivery methods, to solve problems and develop outcomes of pregnancy by normal delivery