摘要:The purpose of this research was study of the effect of meta-cognition techniques to reduce the temptation in the dependence on opiates in Ardabil. The method was from type of semi-experimental with pretest and posttest. The research population included all persons referred to one of the withdrawal centers in Ardabil in 2014. 50 people dependent on opiates were selected as accessible according to the criteria of entry and exit and obtaining the necessary approval of medical certificate based on withdrawal and they were placed randomly in two 25 people groups. Then experimental group received 8 session of meta-cognition technique training and control group carried out their daily routine. Data were collected using the tempting ideas questionnaires of Beck and demographic. Information was analyzed using multi-variable variance and covariance analysis test of MANOVA and using SPSS. The results showed that meta-cognitive techniques training have significant effect to reduce the temptation for addicts in Ardabil (P< 0.01). In general, this study showed that meta-cognitive techniques training can be used to reduce the temptation of drug use among people taking drugs