摘要:The rapid growth of urbanization in recent years, rural-urban disparities, and increasing trend of rural-to-urban migrations have persuaded many social scientists including geographers to carry out extensive researches about the relations between rural and urban areas. In this way, we can find a suitable solution for establishing a balanced development trend for urban and rural areas that is proportional to available regional and national facilities. We can also find a solution for preventing villagers from migrating to cities and decrease the sharp differences between socio-economic advantages of rural and urban areas which are currently increasing. The villages of Rasht County have had a key role in economic circulation through farming and specially by planting rice and are still continuing their role in economics, but the surrounding villages have been influenced by economic and business effects and increasing growth of Rasht. Therefore, followingthe business transactions between villages and the city, especially in central district of Rasht County, many internal and external changes have been created in development course of this part’s villages. Among external changes we can refer to rural-to-urban migrations. The analysis methods of this paper are documentary (library) and field studies (questionnaires). In order to analyze the collected data, we have used the statistical analyses in SPSS software. This paper shows that how the service role of the city influences in the economic, social and physical changes in villages. Therefore, these relationships have resulted in the use of urban elements in the villages, the change in rural perspective, decreased distance between rural and urban culture, and domination of urbanization culture on rural culture. These changes can be seen in the style of clothing, speaking, traditions and other aspects of life